Several methods of anesthesia are available in Norris Oral and Facial Surgery. The method of anesthesia that is chosen for or by a patient depends on the nature of the surgical procedure, the patient’s level of apprehension and the patient’s health conditions.
Local Anesthesia
The patient remains totally conscious throughout the procedure. A local anesthetic (typically lidocaine), is administered in the area where the surgery is to be performed. Local anesthetic is used in conjunction with the other methods of anesthesia in all oral surgery procedures. Local anesthesia usually is indicated for simple oral surgery procedures, such as minor soft tissue procedures, and simple tooth extractions, or placement of dental implants.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation with Local Anesthetic
A mixture of nitrous oxide laughing gas and oxygen is administered through a nasal breathing apparatus. The patient remains conscious in a relaxed condition. Nitrous oxide has a sedative and analgesic (pain- controlling) effect. Usual indication for this type of anesthesia is from simple oral surgery procedures to more involved procedures, such as removal of wisdom teeth and placement of dental implants.
Office Based General Anesthesia with Local Anesthetic
Medication is administered through an intravenous line (I.V.). The patient falls asleep and is completely unaware of the procedure being performed. Medications most commonly used are Fentanyl (opiate), Versed (benzodiazepine), Ketamine, and Diprivan. Supplemental oxygen is delivered through a nasal breathing apparatus and the patient’s vital signs are closely monitored.
Office based general anesthesia is available for all types of oral surgery. A patient may choose general anesthesia for simple procedures depending on their level of anxiety. Most people having their wisdom teeth removed or having a dental implant placed will choose general anesthesia. General anesthesia may be necessary if local anesthesia fails to anesthetize the surgical site which often occurs in the presence of infection.
Hospital Based General Anesthesia
A patient is admitted to a hospital or surgery center where anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist. General anesthesia in a hospital setting is indicated for patients undergoing extensive procedures such as face and jaw reconstruction and TMJ surgery. It is also indicated for patients with medical conditions, such as heart disease or lung disease who require general anesthesia.
Dr. Olena Norris has privileges and regularly performs oral and maxillofacial surgeries in five main hospitals of Bakersfield: Mercy Hospital Downtown and Mercy Hospital Southwest, Memorial Hospitals, Kern Medical Hospital, and San Joaquin Community Hospital. In case of necessity to perform oral surgery by Dr. Norris with hospital-based general anesthesia, patient has a choice of these five hospitals.
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